Malinis Changelog

Malinis 7.x-2.x-dev For next release

These changes have already been committed to my local repository or have been pushed to’s repository, that will be part of the next release.

  • No changes at the moment.

Malinis 7.x-2.0-rc1, 2013-10-15 Latest stable release

  • less/core/malinis-media-progressive-narrow.css.less
    • The width of the search form is for all media.
    • Removed float of
  • less/core/malinis-style.css.less
    • Adapts navigation changes from Groundwork.
    • Declared font-family for submit button so it will work even if the site’s fonts has been changed.
    • The width of the search form is for all media.
    • Removed superdish style.
  • less/non-semantic/gwikons/non-semantic-gwikons.css.less
    • Changed CSS to LESS.
  • templates/page.tpl.php
    • Adapts navigation changes from Groundwork.

Malinis 7.x-2.0-beta5, 2013-10-10

Fixed bug in main menu not showing styles because of lack of .class

Malinis 7.x-2.0-beta4, 2013-10-10

Issue #2108951: Typo bug in color variable at app-settings.css.less

Malinis 7.x-2.0-beta3, 2013-10-09

  • Fixed navigation.
  • Added support for superfish (Style: None, No shadow) for .region-navigation or #header-annex.

Note that beta2 was skipped to coincide with Groundwork’s tag, for easier compatibility.

Malinis 7.x-2.0-beta1, 2013-10-10

Let’s start the ball rolling for Malinis theme, a progressive mobile-first theme with modular scale typography, powerful grid-based layout engine and clean design. It’s a sub-theme of the Groundwork Front-end Framework.

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If there are mistakes in this documentation page, or you think you can make it better, please submit an issue at the Groundwork project page on with component Documentation.

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