Groundwork comes with its own special font called «Noceda Font Pro». Aside from being a light, elegant and open sans-serif font that can give a modern feel to your sites, it also has Gwikons.
304 Gwikons at your disposal
Gwikons are custom icon sets that are stored in «Noceda Font Pro». 1 line of LESSCSS is all you need to have them…. and since they are font glyphs, you can style them anyway you want like you would with normal text.
Social Icons
General Use Icons
How to use?
Semantic use
To use the icons without adding additional markup, use the mixin .gwikon-iconname() on your app-*.css.less files.
h2.block-title {
Non-semantic use
Copy the file non-semantic-icons.css.less from the Groundwork resources folder to your theme folder, and include it in main.css.less. Alternatively, you can use the general non-semantic-helper.css.less to import all files with classes.
You can then use the classes by adding in the content where you will put your Gwikons:
<p><span class="gwikon-drupal"></span> Drupal is my favorite <span class="gwikon-heart"></span> CMS.</p>
Table of Contents
- Getting started
- Settings
- Variables
- Mixins
- Bundles
- Base
- Layout
- Component
- Gwikons (Icons)
- Changelog
- Sub-themes
- HowTo’s
Inspiration & credits
Groundwork created and maintained by John Noceda.
Special thanks to all the popular CSS, LESS, SCSS frameworks and boilerplates out there for the inspiration and great ideas
Groundwork Front-End Framework Licenses
Released under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
Fonts included with Groundwork are released under the SIL Open Font License (OFL) version 1.1
Documentation License
Documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Theme powered by Groundwork Front-end Framework for Drupal