Groundwork Documentation

The groundwork has already been laid. Reduce your custom theming time by using a Drupal-specific front-end framework with a powerful layout engine and sensible generic style defaults.

Use the starter theme as is, as a theme with simplistic/minimalistic design, or as a base theme for faster theme development.

Here are the key features of Groundwork 2.x:

  • HTML 5
  • Web accessibility optimized with ARIA roles
  • Bulletproof flexible grid system with 24 columns (units) as default.
  • Typography using modular scale.
  • True semantic markup with separation of style with content.
  • Comes with its own special font «Noceda Font Pro», a light, elegant and open sans-serif font built in with 304 Gwikons (Groundwork icons)
  • 17 regions with a special «Aside» region visible only in nodes.
  • Optimized typography for all standard elements
  • Supports both sidebars.
  • Powerful layout engine provides unlimited layout possibilities
  • Collection of preset CSS classes, mixins and style bundles.
  • Sexy configurable buttons
  • HTML5 polyfill to support older browsers
  • An empty starter stylesheet
  • and many more.

Table of Contents

Inspiration & credits

Groundwork created and maintained by John Noceda.
Special thanks to all the popular CSS, LESS, SCSS frameworks and boilerplates out there for the inspiration and great ideas

Groundwork Front-End Framework Licenses

Released under the GNU General Public License, version 2.
Fonts included with Groundwork are released under the SIL Open Font License (OFL) version 1.1

Documentation License

Documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Theme powered by Groundwork Front-end Framework for Drupal

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